When I say "Like that Bron Bron", I don't mean it as the clipse do in Doorman. It's a rhetorical question. I'm asking are you gonna do them like that Bron Bron? Whereas the clipse are asking, do you like the Madonna look a like you are currently banging?
And I won't say it, I will shout it every time Bron Bron dunks on someone.
And Lebron isn't even my favorite of the trio. That privilege goes to Dweezus.
What can I say. The prospect of watching a season long highlight real has me salivating. They should change the heat's name to the slam'o'rama. Barring injury or truly awful role players the heat are a lock for most entertaining team this season.
Kobe, Pau, and Ron Ron? They will be in the finals next year. Lebron, Wade, and Bosh? Who knows? All I can say for sure that when those three are on the floor together we might OD on all the amazing.
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